Grande Meteoro Ilumina a Noite em Minas Gerais

Tempo de leitura: 3 min

Bólidos e Fireballs

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A huge meteor crossed the skies of Minas Gerais, illuminated the May 20, 2020 dawn and was detected by two BRAMON cameras and by seven other cameras of Check out the video below:

The alert was given in the morning through social networks and Cristóvão Jacques, who find out the meteor flash in SONEAR’s allsky camera in Oliveira, MG. Shortly after, Welter Mesquita, a member of BRAMON in Oliveira, reported that his station WMV1/MG had detected the very bright meteor at 06:36 UT.

Flash do meteoro na câmera allsky do SONEAR - Créditos: SONEAR

Meteor flash in SONEAR allsky camera – Credits: SONEAR

In addition to the Welter station, the meteor was also detected by the IDS1/MG station managed by Ivan Soares in Patos de Minas, and by 7 other cameras in Piumhi – MGLagoa da Prata – MGOliveira – MGCarmo da Mata – MG, Morro Agudo – SP, Araçoiaba da Serra – SP and Rio Bonito – RJ.

Preliminary analyzes carried out from the triangulation of the images indicate a trajectory that started 111 Km height over the municipality of Varginha, going in the north direction at a speed of about 28.74 Km/s (103,500 Km/h ) until it fragmented at 22.3 km height north of the municipality of Formiga, in Minas Gerais.

Mapa preliminar da trajetória - Créditos: BRAMON

Preliminary da trajectory map – Credits: BRAMON

The meteor was classified as sporadic (not associated with any known meteor shower), presenting a very inclined orbit (51.2 degrees related to the ecliptic plane) with 0.8 AU perihelion and a semimajor axis of 1.37 AU.

Órbita preliminar do meteoroide - Créditos: BRAMON

Preliminary meteoroid orbit – Credits: BRAMON


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